Mayday Parade -
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Клипы онлайн » 2009 » Август » 23 » Mayday Parade - "Jamie All Over"


Mayday Parade - "Jamie All Over"

In January 2007, the band started to record their debut studio album, A Lesson in Romantics. In April, shortly after the album was completed, Jason Lancaster left the band for personal reasons. He would later go on to form the band Go Radio. On August 6, 2007, Lancaster posted a response regarding his departure from the band:

A lot of people keep asking about what happened with Mayday, and I still don’t quite know what to tell them, other than we parted ways. I have to say that I was really upset about everything that was happening around me leaving the band, and I know that a lot of things were said on both parts that didn’t really make a whole lot of sense. But in reality, I think everything came from the fear that i was about to loose 5 of my best friends…So for that all I can really say is I’m sorry guys…I hope that one day we can all be friends again and that you know I am leaving the door open for whenever you guys can bring yourselves through it again…I’m just waiting for you to say you still want it and that everything is cool.

The album was released on July 10, 2007. Mayday Parade supported their album on the 2007 Vans Warped Tour. The band made their first UK appearance in April 2008 performing at the Give it a Name festival in Sheffield and London. The band played the 2008 Vans Warped Tour this past summer and toured with All Time Low, The Maine, and Every Avenue in Fall 2008 on the Compromising of Integrity, Morality, and Principles in Exchange for Money tour.

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