19:37 Aquasky - Overneath The story begins in early 1995, when old friends Dave Wallace, Kieron Bailey and Brent Newitt initially got together to produce their own music. Shortly afterwards a demo tape arrived through the post-box at Moving Shadow and the seeds of a musical alliance were sown. The first single ‘Dezires / Images’ (Shadow 64) was released just three months later and remixed by Krust (Shadow 64R). Championed by the likes of Fabio and LTJ Bukem, it became a huge favourite down at Speed. Категория: drum n bass | Просмотров: 1898 | Добавил: ZeKaRi | Теги:смотреть клип Aquasky - Overneath | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 | Всего комментариев: 0 |